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  • Claire's avatar
    Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream · fc500a60
    Claire authored
    - ``:
      Upstream file has changed and we're quoting it.
      Ported the changes.
    - ``:
      Upstream file has changed but we have a completely different one.
      Kept our version.
    - `lib/mastodon/version.rb`:
      Upstream has changed from `tootsuite/mastodon` to `mastodon/mastodon`,
      but we're still `glitch-soc/mastodon`.
      Kept our version.
    - `spec/presenters/instance_presenter_spec.rb`:
      Upstream has changed from `tootsuite/mastodon` to `mastodon/mastodon`,
      but we're still `glitch-soc/mastodon`.
      Kept our version.
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