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Draft: Log out when hard logout button is triggered

Nikola Brković requested to merge nikolabr/kazv:servant into servant

Checklist | 检查清单

Before marking this merge request as Ready, the following must be done:


  • The code must compile. Preferably, each commit should compile.


  • Any added UI text must be translated via l10n.get(). The messages must be translated into every core language: en, cmn.

    任何添加的 UI 文字都要用 l10n.get() 翻译。 讯息必须翻译成所有核心语言:en,cmn。

    • The merge request creator must translate each message into one of the core languages. The others can be handled by others.

      开合并请求的人必须把每条讯息翻译成一种核心语言。 别的可以给别人做。

  • If the merge request contains a user-visible change, it must have a changelog.


This MR fixes Issue #14, by dispatching a LogoutAction when the hard logout button is pressed. Currently there is no graphical indication of this however, and the session data isn't deleted, since there is no way to return the path to the currently active session. Also refer to which enables hard logout in libkazv.

Merge request reports